Strategic Counsel Poll -- Greens at 10% Nationally

Steve May

The Toronto Star is reporting today that Conservatives and Liberals are virtually tied in a recent poll (31% Con - 30% Liberal).  The Star reports that while the Cons have lost about 10 points in the past several months, the Liberals and NDP made only slight gains.  NPD was reported at being 18%.

No mention of the Green Party or the Bloc in the Star article.

I got my hopes up.  If Cons are down significantly, and NDP and Libs up only slightly, maybe we're up a little bit more.  The Ekos poll last week put our support at about 13% nationally.  Maybe this poll too?  Why doesn't the Star say something about us!

Oh well.  I found this link to another blogsite which purports to have the inside goods.  Looks like we're at 10% nationally.

Apparently there are regional breakdowns, but the link above only provides info on Libs/Cons/NDP; identifies that it's a virtual 3-way tie in B.C., with each party between 28-31%. 

I'm sure there will be more details about where Greens are at over the course of the next few hours.  Generally, though, 10% nationally seems positive, and maybe we are finding ourselves on an upward trend now, for all of the good reasons Dave Bagler identified in his blog.