Green Party of Canada statement on the death of Colonel Gaddafi

With the death of Colonel Gaddafi, the
world's attention is drawn to the transition to democratic
governance in Libya.  The Transitional Council faces an
immense political challenge given the lack of civil society and state
institutions around which to build representative democracy.
 Strong tribal identification and competition for the future
benefits of oil revenues will also intensify the situation.
 Western nations involved with Libya will need to act with
great discretion and wisdom in this transition period so as to not
aggravate an already delicate situation.  Protection of minority
groups, including pro-Gaddafi groups, will be important as
the country moves toward peace and development.  We are
troubled by reports of racially-based violent retributions against
black African migrant workers.  The U.N and NATO went to
Libya under the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect.  Any
people now at risk from victorious militias are also in need of



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