Elizabeth May Stands Up For Canadian Scientists

(OTTAWA) - In front of a large crowd in Vancouver today, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May spoke out on behalf of Canadian scientists:

“Especially with the changes looming for our climate and the degradation of our environmental laws and regulations, Canadian scientists must be free to do their work without political interference,” said Ms. May. “We have suffered as a country with constant interference from the Conservatives affecting both the work of our scientists and their ability to make their work public, whether through speaking to the media or through freely publishing their research.”

May has always been a determined supporter of science. For example, since becoming an MP, she has consistently been an early and vocal critic of cutbacks to vital projects like the Experimental Lakes Area and the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL). “Stephen Harper has dismantled entire programmes doing important scientific research, including the Marine Contaminants Programme and the Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network (C-CIARN) Programme.

“With more Green MPs to work collaboratively with the other parties in the next Parliament, we can reverse this disturbing trend. We must ensure Canadian scientists are fully supported and decision making is solidly based in science,” said May.

Greens will:

  • Rebuild the critical public scientific capacity lost during the past decade by providing $75-million annually to Environment Canada, Health Canada, Parks Canada, and Fisheries and Oceans;
  • Enact Public Access to Science legislation, so scientists are free to discuss their findings without censorship or political interference;
  • Make government-funded scientific research publicly accessible by law;
  • Reverse the damage, where possible, to science libraries across the country; and
  • Restore the position of National Science Advisor to the Prime Minister.

“As well as properly supporting government scientists, the Canadian government must also invest more in basic science,” said Dr. Lynne Quarmby. Quarmby is a highly regarded cell biologist whose award-winning research using algae has led to discoveries about Polycystic Kidney Disease. “Canadian scientists are doing important research in all fields of science, including health and environmental research and must be supported through federal grants -- this is critical for innovation.”

Claire Martin, Green candidate in North Vancouver, continued, “Federal cutbacks to research programs have closed science libraries across the country, including the devastating trashing of years of research reports from Department of Fisheries and Oceans libraries into dumpsters.”

“The Green Party will invest in scientists because it is an investment in our country, our planet, and our future.  We have amazing ground-breaking researchers in Canada -- they must be free to work on behalf of Canadians’ health, economy, and environment,” concluded Martin

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For additional information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Julian Morelli
Director of Communications
Green Party of Canada
cell: (613) 614 4916
office: (613) 562 4916 (224)


Kirsten Strom
Executive Assistant to Director of Communications 
t: 613.562.4916 (200) 
Toll Free 1.866.868.3447