
    Green Party calls for reform of cannabis regulations

    Media Release | Thursday, 19 Sep 2019
    OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada is calling for big changes to the regulatory framework governing the production and sale of cannabis in Canada. “A year after the passage of the cannabis...

    Greg Malone appointed as Green Party’s Health Critic

    Media Release | Saturday, 14 Sep 2019
    OTTAWA – Green Party Leader Elizabeth May (Saanich-Gulf Islands) has named Greg Malone (Avalon, NL) as critic for health on the party’s Shadow Cabinet. The Shadow Cabinet develops positions based on...

    Greens fully support AFN's 2019 "Honouring Promises"

    Media Release | Monday, 09 Sep 2019
    OTTAWA — Leader of the Green Party, Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands) has pledged the party’s support for the priorities set out in a federal election document released today by the Assembly...