
    Elizabeth May to the Globe and Mail

    Blog | Tuesday, 26 Apr 2016
    The following was sent by Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, to the Globe and Mail, as a response to their recent Konrad Yakabuski opinion column, "Can an expanding economy be a low-...

    30 years after Chernobyl

    Statement | Tuesday, 26 Apr 2016
    OTTAWA - 30 years after the Chernobyl disaster, the world once again pauses to remember the horrible tragedy and consider whether nuclear power is worth the risk. “Any short term benefits of nuclear...

    Climate: Time to do what is necessary

    Blog | Monday, 25 Apr 2016
      I write this from the train heading back from New York to Canada. The last time I made this trip was September 2014, coming home from the Peoples’ Climate March. My daughter and I marched with over...

    Chag Sameach - Green Party of Canada Statement on Passover

    Statement | Friday, 22 Apr 2016
    (OTTAWA) - The Green Party of Canada wishes a happy holiday to everyone around the world celebrating Passover, which begins today at sundown. Passover commemorates liberation from oppression, serving...

    Green Party of Canada statement on Earth Day 2016

    Media Release | Friday, 22 Apr 2016
    (OTTAWA) - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands), released the following statement on Earth Day 2016: “Today is the 46th year that I have celebrated Earth Day...