
    Grassroots Petition Presses For Robocall Scandal Inquiry

    Media Release | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2012
    OTTAWA – Members of Parliament Elizabeth May (Saanich–Gulf Island), Craig Scott (Toronto–Danforth) and Stéphane Dion (St-Laurent–Cartierville) joined forces today and tabled a petition calling for an...

    It’s the environment and the economy, stupid

    Blog | Monday, 10 Dec 2012
    One of the most persistent and confounding fallacies of political discourse is the idea that we must choose between environmental protection and a healthy economy. According to years of polling,...

    Experts respond to outcome of UN climate talks in Doha

    Blog | Saturday, 08 Dec 2012
    While saddened and shamed by Canadian government performance in Doha, I am so proud of our hard-working environmental representatives, especially the Canadian youth. Here is their summary press...

    Newsflash: Lake Winnipeg is in serious trouble

    Blog | Thursday, 06 Dec 2012
    Yesterday in Question Period, I was shocked to hear Parliamentary secretary Michelle Rempel proclaim that that the Conservatives have “cleaned up Lake Winnipeg.” It is true that the Prime Minister...

    Muskrat Falls: “How Was the Decision Made?”

    Media Release | Tuesday, 04 Dec 2012
    OTTAWA – The decision by Stephen Harper to grant a $6.3-billion loan guarantee to the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project must be reconsidered.  “Taking on another mega energy-generating project is a...