
    Green Party National Convention Takes a Local Approach

    Media Release | Sunday, 12 Aug 2012
    SAANICH-GULF ISLANDS -The Green Party is holding its 2012 National Convention in Sidney, BC, situated in the Saanich-Gulf Islands riding of its federal leader, Elizabeth May. In the 2011 Election,...

    Harper Conservatives' Emission Cuts Are Just More Hot Air

    Media Release | Thursday, 09 Aug 2012
    OTTAWA – The Harper Conservatives released their updated Canada’s Emissions Trends Report yesterday and, true to form, Environment Minister Peter Kent is determined to take credit for the fact that...

    International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

    Statement | Thursday, 09 Aug 2012
    OTTAWA - The Green Party of Canada is joining with many across the globe to mark the International Day of the World's Indigenous People on August 9.  This year's theme is: "Indigenous Media,...

    British Columbia “firewall” anyone?

    Blog | Wednesday, 08 Aug 2012
    For anyone familiar with Stephen Harper’s role as a provincial rights advocate, the federal posturing on the Enbridge risky tanker and pipeline scheme is more than ironic. It is a 180 degree about...

    When it Comes to the Pipeline, Harper Talks in Circles

    Blog | Wednesday, 08 Aug 2012
    Yesterday in British Columbia, Prime Minister Stephen Harper tried to sound a note of reason on the subject of the increasingly unpopular proposal to build 1,100 kilometres of pipeline through the...

    August 6th is Hiroshima Day

    Statement | Monday, 06 Aug 2012
    OTTAWA -- Today, thousands across the globe will take part in commemoration ceremonies to remember the dropping of the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and the...


    Blog | Friday, 03 Aug 2012
    A few weeks ago I talked to a Globe and Mail reporter about the possibilities for cross party cooperation. I shared with her that (my own opinion, and not a party decision) that a good place to start...