Michael Pilling

Federal Council - Ontario

(807) 632-7788

Why Michael?: This election, over 1/2 of councillors will be replaced all at once. This is both an opportunity and a risk.The opportunity is for transformative change, the risk is a council bogged down by inexperience. I can offer experienced governance, a proven commitment to fairness and green values, an innovative mindset, and a track record for diplomacy and collaboration. Achieving more transparency, consultation, diversity and party growth depends crucially on having the soft skills to build consensus.

Track Record: As operations coordinator for the GPO and platform coordinator for the GPC I have led projects which coordinated dozens of volunteers, having been involved at the highest level in both organizations. I was part of creating the Living Platform Process, which introduced online policy development to the GPC. With a few others in the GPO we originated the Bonser Voting Method, a way to make our consensus decisionmaking flow more smoothly; I helped to co-create the GPO’s delegate system - which balances the rights of individuals to participate with the need for participation at the riding level. These innovations stuck around because they were developed by a team, they enacted our key values, and helped the party achieve its grassroots vision.

Grassroots politics is a team sport ... and we are all on the same team. :)

Endorsers: I am thankful to have the support of all my TBAY fellow execs, our current Ontario Rep, a past President of the GPC, and many other members across ontario.

Detailed platform: michaelpilling.ca


Bruce Hyer, Amanda Moddejonge, Thomas Denault, Robin Rickards, Joe Foster