Strategic Voting: Post #1

Jim Harris

this is from our candidate in calgary west ... simple and straightforward:

Strategic Voting is For Suckers
Every election some party tries to steal your vote with a "strategic vote" scam. They will prey on your fears and anxieties by proclaiming that fabricated disaster scenario "A" can ONLY be avoided by casting a vote for party "B". Typically, the perpetrators of this scam have a long established history of corruption, inaction and deception and are seeking yet another chance to let you down.

Smart and informed voters refuse to relinquish their vote to this simplistic ruse. Instead, they vote according to their convictions; they vote with heart and they walk home feeling good about their choice. Adept voters know that voting for a party they distrust to get rid of a party they dislike is not smart strategy; they know that genuine change cannot happen by supporting the same old entrenched and corrupt parties.

Albert Einstein said it best: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Randy Weeks, Calgary West