
    The Green Candidates are Contenders

    Media Release | Monday, 26 Nov 2012
    VICTORIA, BC – Green Leader Elizabeth May reacted to by-elections results tonight before leaving Victoria for Ottawa.“I want to congratulate Green candidates Donald Galloway, Chris Turner and...

    Elizabeth May is the Parliamentarian of the Year

    Media Release | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2012
    OTTAWA – Green Leader Elizabeth May won top honours at tonight’s 2012 Parliamentarian of the Year Awards, an annual event organised by Macleans’ and L’Actualité. The MPs themselves voted in eight...

    Operation Pillar of Defense Is Not The Answer

    Media Release | Friday, 16 Nov 2012
    OTTAWA – Again, Hamas bombing and Israeli retaliation have escalated.  It should be clear that continuing to make war will not bring peace.Israel's Operation Pillar of Defense comes a mere three...

    International Day for Tolerance

    Media Release | Thursday, 15 Nov 2012
    OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada is joining with many across the globe to mark the International Day for Tolerance on November 16th. “At a time when civilians are being killed in the Middle East,...