
    Saturday in Copenhagen

    Blog | Saturday, 12 Dec 2009
    The first thing to strike a Canadian en route to COP15 is the dominance of the climate talks in billboards and public spaces well before you reach Copenhagen.  Starting in London at Heathrow,...

    December 12 - Vigils, vigils everywhere

    Blog | Wednesday, 09 Dec 2009
    This Saturday, Greens across Canada will join with millions around the world to participate in local candlelight vigils to mark the mid-point in the intensive climate change negotiations taking place...

    DeSmogBlog Comments Require Response

    Blog | Saturday, 05 Dec 2009
    I am a neophyte in the blogosphere.  The first time something I have written for the Green Party site has been widely picked up was my article on the East Anglia scientists and the stolen emails. ...

    And Now to Discuss Those Hacked Emails

    Blog | Thursday, 03 Dec 2009
    Strange, isn’t it that media are not wondering about who hacked into the computers and who paid them?   Or why Dr. Andrew Weaver’s office in Victoria has been broken into twice.  My guess is that all...

    The Rebuttal I Never Got to Give…..

    Blog | Wednesday, 02 Dec 2009
    The Munk Debates still have me wondering how so many good folks (CBC “Ideas,” Munk centre, etc) got it so wrong.  I hate being part of a side-show circus and that’s what any “debate” with Lomborg and...

    Green Energy Jobs Report

    Blog | Tuesday, 01 Dec 2009
    Millions of Green Energy jobs will be created in North America. More than $US1 trillion will be invested in wind energy globally by 2020 creating 1.75 million jobs. The question is -- will Canada get...

    We have seen this movie....

    Blog | Friday, 20 Nov 2009
    Rarely does the news of the government’s failures and abuses have such impact as to make one feel physically ill.  But the looming possibility that Canadian soldiers routinely arrested civilians...

    Countdown to Copenhagen Rally

    Blog | Tuesday, 17 Nov 2009
    I am just back from a climate change “indoor rally.”  I am still over-whelmed by the outpouring of energy and people who mobilized on a rainy Tuesday night in Victoria. Over 1,000 people gathered in...

    New Green Party of Ontario Leader

    Statement | Monday, 16 Nov 2009
    The Green Party of Canada congratulates the Green Party of Ontario, after electing their new leader Mike Schreiner at their convention this past weekend.  "I whole-heartedly support Mike's leadership...

    Green Party Statement on Remembrance Day

    Statement | Wednesday, 11 Nov 2009
    November 11th is a day to remember that soldiers die believing they were sent for a reason, a noble cause, to defend, to liberate.  Women and men of the military are willing to make the ultimate...