Airport Tantrums
Blog | Friday, 19 Mar 2010I am writing a blog about this because I think I am the only person in political life who remembers Alan Redway. Alan Redway was a Progressive Conservative MP in the Mulroney government. If memory...
Getting corporate concentrated media to cover the problem of media concentration
Blog | Wednesday, 17 Mar 2010Earlier this week, we issued a news release on the enormous opportunity presented by the upcoming sale of the Asper empire of newspapers, CanWest Limited Partnership (LP). That conglomerate now...
An invitation for Earth Day
Blog | Sunday, 14 Mar 2010It occurred to me the other day that the next April 22 will be the fortieth anniversary of Earth Day. Back in 1970, I was in Grade 10 when the first Earth Day took place. I remember writing flyers...
Budget 2010
Blog | Friday, 05 Mar 2010Watch Elizabeth May's video commentary I can remember budget days in lock-ups when there was good news to be found. Even in a bad budget, there would be a new environmental programme or two.In a...
Bernier’s Lost His Briefing Book Again
Blog | Saturday, 27 Feb 2010Maxime Bernier, long time climate denier is relying on German scientist Mojib Latif to back up his claim that scientists are now casting doubt on climate change science. In his letter to La Presse,...
Maxime Bernier has a long history as a climate change denier
Blog | Thursday, 25 Feb 2010Maxime Bernier has a long history as a climate change denier (
Greens Wish a Happy Chinese New Year : 绿党恭祝大家中国新年快乐
Statement | Sunday, 14 Feb 2010OTTAWA -- The Green Party of Canada wishes everyone Gung Hay Fat Choy: "Best wishes and Congratulations. Have a prosperous and good year," as we celebrate Chinese New Year.February 14, 2010 begins...
Olympics and culture
Blog | Saturday, 13 Feb 2010I had a wonderful dose of both this evening. First, I went to one of the best local pubs, the Prairie Inn (an institution founded in 1859), with lots of large screen TVs (not since 1859). It was the...
Green Party of Canada Wish Olympic Athletes Success
Statement | Friday, 12 Feb 2010OTTAWA -- The Green Party of Canada wishes all of our Olympic athletes the best of luck in upcoming weeks. We salute the hard work and dedication that has resulted in the dream of competing in the...
Blog | Thursday, 11 Feb 2010It seems a long time ago that an untried Conservative Party leader led a fledgling party (created by the merger of Progressive Conservatives and Alliance party) into an election. The 2004 election...