Balancing Green Party and Church....
Blog | Monday, 30 Oct 2006On Friday, I had to head back to Ottawa for the first face to face meeting of the newly elected federal Council since the August convention. Even there, we were not all together as some of the...
London North Centre race shaping up....
Blog | Thursday, 26 Oct 2006I had a wonderful day, getting on the 6 AM train from Ottawa en route to London, via Toronto. The sun was shining (although not for the first hour and a bit of the trip before sunrise!), the fall...
Off to the races ...
Blog | Tuesday, 24 Oct 2006I had a great weekend. My nephew married to the beautiful young woman who has been his girlfriend since university days. Her family is form Ottawa, and they both live here now so the wedding was here...
How could it be worse than we thought?
Blog | Thursday, 19 Oct 2006Reflections on the Harper Government "Clean Air Act" In an underwhelming announcement, after months of hype, we finally read the legislative amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act....
Holy Smokes ...
Blog | Wednesday, 18 Oct 2006OK, that is not really my title for today. I just grabbed it from Garth Turner's blog. In case there is anyone reading this blog who is unaware of today's political developments....Halton MP, former...
No Clean Air Act yet
Blog | Tuesday, 17 Oct 2006The Clean Air Act may be the most over announced and under-delivered legislation in Canadian history. The big announcement was trumpeted by Environment Minister Rona Ambrose on October 5th. She...
Chain saws and motorcycles...
Blog | Monday, 16 Oct 2006Being leader of the Green Party has led to lots of new experiences, but none was as unexpected as posing on a motorcycle in Truro last weekend (not a place I have been before, not Truro, the back of...
Thanksgiving and more!
Blog | Wednesday, 11 Oct 2006Managed to have wonderful train station rallies in Moncton, Truro and the largest in Halifax over the holiday weekend. Lots of media and a great chance to have quick visit with party members,...
The Ocean
Blog | Sunday, 08 Oct 2006The wonderful route that takes passengers from Montreal to Halifax began operation in 1904 and is called "The Ocean". It brought Canadian soldiers to Halifax to ship out in the wars and it brought...
Rona Ambrose definitely does NOT clear the air....
Blog | Friday, 06 Oct 2006The testimony of the Minister of the Environment, the Hon Rona Ambrose yesterday morning, at the House of Commons Environment Committee, was an exercise in Double Speak of the highest Orwellian form...