
    Campaign Blog - Day 56

    Blog | Saturday, 26 Sep 2015
    Sorry blog readers. I am just coming up for air after a solid 2 days of Montreal media and prep for the leaders debate. I had to keep my head in french. I didn't even want to write a blog. And I was...

    Green Party Dismayed at CBC’s Plan to Sell its Properties

    Media Release | Wednesday, 23 Sep 2015
    (OTTAWA) – The Green Party is disappointed to hear CBC’s plan to sell all its properties across the country. “The information made public by the Canadian Media Guild is appalling,” said Elizabeth May...

    Ontario Nurses support the Green Party’s Drug Plan

    Media Release | Wednesday, 23 Sep 2015
    (OTTAWA) Yesterday, the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) voiced their support for the Green Party’s National Pharmacare Plan. “I am pleased to have the RNAO’s support,” said Elizabeth...

    Statement by Elizabeth May on Mohamed Fahmy’s Release

    Statement | Wednesday, 23 Sep 2015
    (OTTAWA) – Statement by Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and candidate in Saanich – Gulf Islands, following the pardon granted to Canadian journalist Mohamed Fahmy: “I am relieved...

    Green Party Statement on Yom Kippur

    Statement | Tuesday, 22 Sep 2015
    OTTAWA September 22, 2015– Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party ofCanada (Saanich- Gulf Islands) issued the following statement on the occasion of Yom Kippur: “Today at sundown marks the...